Night Feels

Open the curtains

To see a night


Of its stars

No moon

To distract those watching


No paraphernalia

To divert from the relentless fact


The night felt lonely

Who was awake, aware


The absence of light

So persistently reflecting

The silent waters of souls

No moon

To make them jump with

Its mocking gravity

And make them forget

That they too were like the night


Because no one was there

To ask her

If she was afraid of ghosts

They never listened to her gasp

Helplessly watching sleep drown people

In the oceans of their dreams

Uncaring as they called out in the darkness

But what could the night do?

As they blamed her in the morning

She had no horses to send…

This sad, sad feeling

She knew too well

And so did those

Who felt

Yet, she knew

In an unsaid strength of her own soul

That she had to move on schedule,

To smile in grace, even as she felt tremors

Gaining in momentum underneath

She and they and the cracks,


That she wasn’t alone!

#This poem is inspired by the painting NightHawks by Edward Hopper